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Meditation for Work

Custom Workshops and Courses

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With the importance of mental health at work, meditation workshops and courses are becoming more popular to help workers reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, contributing to better overall mental health. 


Our workshops and courses offer more than just meditation - we offer an experience.


Our workshops and courses are designed to be interactive, engaging and fun, giving workers an experience where they can learn about how their mind works, why they struggle with issues like anxiety, stress, and a lack of focus, and most of all how to let go of the cause of these symptoms from their mind so they can enjoy work on a deeper level and be more productive on the process.


We are a team of trained experts willing and ready to help your organization understand the power of the mind and how meditation can help in the work place and in life to live a more happy, focused, emotionally stable and fulfilled life. 

Our Services


Workshops - 1 Day Event

Our workshops are one off events, normally lasting 1 hour, but can be as little as 30 minutes or even up to several hours within the day.


We tailor these workshops to your organization after an initial Discovery Consultation to make sure they are matched to your needs. 


Select from our services matrix to customize to your needs.


We can also run the same workshop through the same day or series of days for different staff.


Short Courses - 2 Weeks to 13 Weeks

Our short courses are designed to create more of a lasting impact amongst workers.


Workshops are great as an introduction into meditation and the concepts around meditation, but like everything in life, consistency and repetition will get the best results. 


You can select from our range of services from our services matrix, and design the courses suited to your needs.


The core of the course is always the same and it lasts anywhere from 2-13 weeks


Long Courses - 13 Weeks to 52 Weeks

Our long courses are designed to create maximum impact, and this is for organizations who really want to give the greatest service to their workers. 


They are an expansion on the short courses, but intended to create more lasting changes and benefits to workers. 


You can select from our range of services from our services matrix, and design the courses suited to your needs.


The core of the course is always the same and it lasts anywhere from 13-52 weeks

Let Us Help You Assess Your Needs

Overview of Process


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Discovery Consultation

Book a Discovery Consultation with our experts where we assess the needs of your work place, find out what your goals are, your budgetary constraints, technology and room availability, and your schedules so we can match to your needs.


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Planning the Workshop and Course

We create a plan best suited to help your workers to produce your desired outcome, and we work with you to tailor it towards how we recommend that you will get the most benefit for your staff. We will let you know how best to prepare the room, and after assessing your equipment, we provide everything else.


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Workshop and Course Delivery

Leave this to us! Once we know when and where we need to be, we do the rest. We deliver the content in a way that creates an experience for workers, whilst also helping them to understand the importance of meditation on mental health. 


We will monitor their progress and make sure those that are open to learning will get as much as they can out of it, and leaving them with an understanding and and a new skill they can use for the rest of their life.

Let Us Help You Assess Your Needs

How Sessions Run

Upcoming Events

Introduction / Ice Breaker

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We connect with everyone and open their minds up so they're ready to learn


An overview of what they will be learning and why it is important for them to learn

Games / Activities

Creating an experience, we design games and activities to help them learn the concepts first in an engaging and fun way

Self Reflection 

Through reading, writing, or more activities, we share with them how to look at and understand their mind 


Discarding meditation where they learn how to let go of what is in their mind - related to the needs of the work place


Summarize the workshop with valuable tips and resources and ways for them to reach out to us

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of workshops and courses do you offer for workplaces?

Our workshops and courses range from 30 minutes to 12 months. We recommend minimum of 60 minutes for a session in order to maximize the benefit. We help you customize our programs to your needs

How can meditation benefit our employees?

Meditation can help reduce stress, increase focus and productivity, increase emotional intelligence, help tams work better together, and even improve overall work satisfaction. 

Do employees need any prior meditation experience?

Not at all - in fact, in some cases it's better that they don't. The self reflection meditation we share is about learning how to let go pictures from your mind - these pictures contain the stess, anxiety, distractions, and thousands of thoughts.

Can the meditation sessions be conducted online?

Not at all - in fact, in some cases it's better that they don't. The self reflection meditation we share is about learning how to let go pictures from your mind - these pictures contain the stess, anxiety, distractions, and thousands of thoughts.

Any other questions? Book a free Discovery Consultation

Contact Us

Please reach out to us and enquire about are workshops and courses and how we can help with your needs.

PHONE: 02 9743 6427

MOBILE: 0466 211 405


Thank You!

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True Self Meditation is a Non Profit Organisation

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